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  • Registrant : Charlotte
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/02/12
  • Published : 2024/02/12
  • Changed :2024/02/12
  • Total View : 346 persons
2024/9/20 - 2024/9/22 / Charlotte / Seasonal / Occasion

Festival in the Park

Since 1964, Festival in the Park has been bringing good music, good art and good times to Charlotteans and visitors from around the world. The sounds of “big band music” drift across Freedom Park’s lake whose still surface reflects the lights strung from Camelot exhibit tents.

Since 1964, Festival in the Park has been bringing good music, good art and good times to Charlotteans and visitors from around the world. The sounds of “big band music” drift across Freedom Park’s lake whose still surface reflects the lights strung from Camelot exhibit tents.

Address Charlotte
Date 2024/9/20 - 2024/9/22
Time detail
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Vivinavi - Events

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